Money Back Guarantee

Money Back Guarantee

Growing Goodness™ combines the taste kids love and the nutrition parents want-but don't take our word for it. We are so confident that you and your family will love Growing Goodness™ that if you don't, we'll refund your purchase.

Offer valid only on Growing Goodness™ products. Limit 1 refund per household.

Requests must be received within 30 days of expiration date on product. U.S. only. Maximum value of the refund equals up to $5 USD, incl. tax. Actual amount reimbursed based on individual purchase price paid plus tax, up to the maximum allowable amount.

Refund will be for actual price paid in cash or check. Allow 8-10 weeks for delivery of refund check by mail. To request a refund, call 1-800-662-3263. Please have package ready prior to calling.